||Shri Shankar||

perfect Solutions
to manage your business

We provide the best solutions to manage your business in easiest way

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Websites / Apps

We Develop Projects for  

Schools, Colleges, Libraries

Hospitals (OPD) , Pathological Lab 

Stock , Billing , Accounting etc..

Web Sites  / Desktop Apps

D.T.P. / Design 

We Make Design 

Logo Design / Graphic Design

Books / Newsletters / Magazine

in many languages


Spcial Solutions


We develop Fully Customized Spcial Solutions for your business 

with experinced and expert solutions as per your requirment. 


Desktop  Apps - Online/Offline

We Develop Many Kinds of Desktop Apps in online / offline/ single pc / local network etc.. with easiest ui and flow to get result quickly and customized formats so non-technical persons also can handel them easily. 

Our UI and Logical Flow to handel software is easiest for non technical operator. we can speshali design UI and Reports integration with your requirment. 

We can help you to grow your business

WebSite is a Key to Grow Business Online and increase business area virtually . We Develop Many kinds of Websites such as Static site, Dynamic Sites, API's , Framework based Sites as well as we provide Custom development as well as hosting facility to make your business online.

We Make a Graphic  Design Work  for a logo / banner Desig, make Newsletters ,  Magazines , Books ready to publis. We can Process Your Data to exchange their formats. in smarter way.          


Swasti Systems

We Provides Spcial Traning  Batch to improve our programming , coading and development skils 

Customar Satisfaction is our priority while giving support and service. we develop apps in a way that user not require to take support from us.


Managing Director

Integer molestie aliquam gravida. Nullam nec arcu finibus, imperdiet nulla vitae, placerat nibh. Cras maximus venenatis molestie.

C A Athavale

Founder Precident

Quisque diam odio, maximus ac consectetur eu, auctor non lorem. Cras quis est non ante ultrices molestie. Ut vehicula et diam at aliquam.


Website Manager

Pricing Plans

Donec vulputate urna sed rutrum venenatis. Cras consequat magna quis arcu elementum, quis congue risus volutpat.


$ 14.50 monthly
  • 60 GB space
  • 600 GB transfer
  • Pro Design Panel
  • 15-minute support
  • Unlimited Emails
  • 24/7 Security


$ 21.50 monthly
  • 120 GB space
  • 1200 GB transfer
  • Pro Design Panel
  • 15-minute support
  • Unlimited Emails
  • 24/7 Security


$ 42.00 monthly
  • 250 GB space
  • 5000 GB transfer
  • Pro Design Panel
  • 15-minute support
  • Unlimited Emails
  • 24/7 Security
126 Projects
63 Happy Clients
18 Awards Wins
27 Countries

Blog Entries

Integer molestie aliquam gravida. Nullam nec arcu finibus, imperdiet nulla vitae, placerat nibh. Cras maximus venenatis molestie.

Vivamus ac vehicula dui

Cras aliquet ligula dui, vitae fermentum velit tincidunt id. Praesent eu finibus nunc. Nulla in sagittis eros. Aliquam egestas augue.
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Phasellus convallis augue

Aliquam commodo ornare nisl, et scelerisque nisl dignissim ac. Vestibulum finibus urna ut velit venenatis, vel ultrices sapien mattis.
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Nam gravida purus non

Maecenas eu erat vitae dui convallis consequat vel gravida nulla. Vestibulum finibus euismod odio, ut tempus enim varius eu.
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Talk To Us

Maecenas pellentesque ante faucibus lectus vulputate sollicitudin. Cras feugiat hendrerit semper.

Keep in touch

110-220 Quisque diam odio, maximus ac consectetur eu, 10260
auctor non lorem

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